"Updated Nomination Status of various Selection Posts advt. vide Advt No. Phase-XII/2024/Selection Posts(uploaded on 13.03.2025)"
"Updated Nomination Status of various Selection Posts advt. vide Advt No. Phase-XI/2023/Selection Posts 13.03.2025"
"Updated Nomination Status of various Selection Posts advt. vide Advt No. Phase-X/2022/Selection Posts"
"Updated Nomination Status of various Selection Posts advt. vide Advt No. Phase-IX/2021/Selection Posts"
"Nomination Status - Recruitment of Sub Inspectors in Delhi Police and CAPFs Examination, 2023"
"Nomination Status Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator and Senior Hindi Translator Examination, 2023"
"Nomination Status Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination, 2023"
"Nomination of Shri Athul VJ, Roll No. 9213016351 for CHSLE-2018"
"Nomination of Shri Harisankar R., Roll No. 9213006553 for CHSLE-2021"
"Nomination Status - Stenographers Gr C and Gr D Examination, 2023"
"MTS-2023 - Department Allocation and Nomination Status in r/o candidates qualified from Karnataka - Kerala Region for the post of MTS"
"MTS-2023 - Nomination Status in r/o candidates qualified from Karnataka - Kerala Region for the post of Havaldar"
"Nomination Status of Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2023"
"Nomination Status - Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff, and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Examination, 2022"
"Updated Nomination Status of SI in Delhi Police & CAPFs Examination, 2022"
"Updated Nomination Status of Medical Attendant in Central Government Health Scheme, Cat. No. KK10322, Advt. No.: Phase-X/2022/Selection Postsvarious Selection Posts advt. vide Advt No. Phase-IX/2021/Selection Posts"
"Updated Nomination Status of CHSLE-2022"
"Updated Nomination Status of Steno-2022"
"Nomination Status of Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Quantity Surveying & Contracts) Examination, 2022"
"Nomination Status of CGLE-2022"
"Nomination Status - Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Exam, 2021 "
"Nomination Status for the post of MTS (NT) - Multi Tasking (NT) Staff and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Exam, 2021 "
"Nomination Status for the post of Havaldar - Multi Tasking (NT) Staff and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Exam, 2021 "
"Nomination Status of Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2021"
"Updated Nomination Status of various Selection Posts advt. vide Advt No. Phase-VIII/2020/Selection Posts"
"Nomination Status of Shri Harikrishnan S., Roll No. 9211006954 for CGLE-2020 "
"Nomination Status of Scientific Assistant in India Meteorological Department (IMD) Examination, 2022"
"Updated Nomination Status of various Selection Posts advt. vide Advt No. Phase-VII/2019/Selection Posts"
"Nomination Status of Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator and Senior Hindi Translator Examination, 2022"
"Nomination Status Updated - Multi Tasking (NT) Staff Exam, 2020"
"Nomination Status - Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam, 2020"
"Department Allocation to Candidates selected through Multi Tasking (Non Technical) Staff Exam, 2020"
"Updated Nomination Status of Shri Jatin Dhaania, Roll No.9001011259 for CGLE-2019"
"Nomination Status - Combined Graduate Level Exam, 2020"
"Nomination Status - Stenographers Gr C and Gr D Exam, 2020"
"Nomination Status - Withheld candidates of CHSLE-2019 - Result declared on 28.07.2022"
"Nomination Status of Stenographers Gr C and Gr D Exam, 2019"
"Nomination Status - Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Quantity Surveying & Contracts) Examination, 2020"
"Nomination Status - Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination, 2019"
"Nomination Status - Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2019"
"Nomination Status - Sub Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs and ASI in CISF Examination, 2019"
"Nomination Status - Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Quantity Surveying & Contracts) Examination, 2019"
"Nomination Status-Combined Higher Secondary 10+2 Level Exam, 2018 "
"Nomination Status-Combined Higher Secondary 10+2 Level Exam, 2018 "
"Nomination status-Combined Higher Secondary 10+2 Level (CHSL 2018)Exam "
"Dept allocation & Nomination status-Multi Tasking Staff (Non Technical)-2019 "
"Nomination status-Data Entry Operator (Grade-C), Post Category No.KK10419, Advt No. Phase-VII/2019/Selection Posts"
"“Reserve List as well as nomination status for the post of Navigational Assistant Grade-II (cat no. KK-10118) SELECTION POSTS, PHASE-VI/2018"
“ Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) 2019-Dept allocation and status of sending of dossiers/nomination status in r/o Sh Rubul Kumar Meher (Roll No.4604015134)"
"“ Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) 2019-Dept allocation and status of sending of dossiers/nomination status in r/o two candidates""
"“ Sending of dossiers of candidaes/Nomination status of MTS 2019 exam all four categories""
"“Nomination status of selected candidates of SI CPO 2018 Exam""
"“Nomination status of selected candidates of CGLE 2018""
"Click here to view the nomination made from the Reserve Panel for various categories of post for Advt No. KKR-2/2017"
'"CLICK here to see the nomination status of Stenographers Gr C & D Exam, 2018"
"CLICK here to see the nomination status of Junior Hindi Transaltors Exam, 2019"
"CLICK here to see the nomination status of Combined Graduate Level Exam 2017"
"CLICK here to see the nomination status of Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Exam 2017".
SAS Apprentices in CGDA Examination, 2010 - Nomination of candidates. |
CGL, 2010 - Nomination status of candidates selected for various posts under CGL 2010 |
Nomination status of Select List candidates of Selection Posts |
JE (Civil & Electrical) Exam, 2010 - Nomination of candidates. |
CHSL Exam, 2010 - Nomination status of candidates selected for the post of DEOs, LDC - 'X' Group and LDC - 'Y' Group. |
Junior Translators (CSOLS) and JHTs (in Subordiante Offices) Exam, 2010 - Nomination status of candidates. |
Assistant Sub-Inspectors in CISF Examination, 2010 - Nomination status of selected candidates. |
Stenographers Grade 'C' and 'D' Examination, 2010 - Nomination of candidates. |
Special examination of SI's Examination, 2010 - Nomination of candidates. |
Junior Engineers (Civil& Mechanical) in CWC and Junior engineers (Electrical) in Deparment of Posts Examination, 2011-Nomination of candidates. |
Junior Engineers (Civil & Electrical Examination, 2011-Nomination of candidates. |
Multi Tasking Staff Examination,2010 Nomination of candidates. |
Recrutiment of Constables (GD) in ITBP Nomination of candidates |
Recrutiment of Constables (GD)2011 Female, Nomination of candidates |
.Recrutiment of Constables (GD)2011 Male, Nomination of candidates |
Recruitment to the post of Survelliance Assistant in the O/o Narcotics Control Bureau, New Delhi (Cat No. 01/BG of Advt No.KKR-02/2011)Nomination of candidates |
Sub-Inspectors, Assistant Sub Inspectors in CISF, IOs in NCB Examination, 2011, Nomination of candidates |
CLICK HERE TO SEE THE Nomination status of the Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination 2011 |
"Click here to see the Nomination Status of SUB INSPECTORS IN CPOS & ASSISTANT SUB INSPECTORS IN CISF EXAMINATION, 2012" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of the Recruitment of Junior Engineers (Civil, Mechanical, Quantity Surveying and Contract) Examination, 2012" |
"Click here to see the Nomination Status of Food Corporation of India Examination, 2012" |
"Click here to see the list of the candidates whose candidature has been cancelled and whose cases have been referedd to the Commissions Headquarters for revised results for Food Corporation of India Examination, 2012" |
"Click here to see the list of the Nominated candidates for the Interview posts & Statisticial Investigator for the Combined Graduate Level Exam, 2012" |
"Click here to see the list of the Nominated candidates for the Non-Interview posts for the Combined Graduate Level Exam, 2012" |
"Click here to see the allocation chart for Karnataka & Kerala for the post of Jr.Acctt/Acct in CGA & Other based on the Combined Graduate Level Exam, 2012" |
"Click here to see the allocation chart of Karnataka & Kerala Region for the post of Auditors in CGDA based on Combined Graduate Level Exam, 2012" |
"Click here to see the list of the candidates whose candidature was cancelled by SSC(KKR) for the Combined Graduate Level Exam, 2012" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of the Recruitment of JUNIOR ENGINEERS (CIVIL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL,QUANTITY SURVEYING AND CONTRACT) EXAMINATION, 2013" |
"Click here to see the Nomination Status of Food Corporation of India Examination, 2013" |
"Click here to see the list of the candidates whose candidature has been cancelled for Food Corporation of India Examination, 2013" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of the JHT in Subordinate offices, Junior/Senior Translators in M/o Defence and Hindi Pradhyapak Examination, 2013" |
"Click here to see the results of Karnataka Kerala Region for MUlti Tasking Staff (Non-Technical) Exam, 2013" |
"Click here to see the Click here to see the writeup declaring the results of Karnataka Kerala Region for MUlti Tasking Staff (Non-Technical) Exam, 2013" |
"Click here to see the Click here to see the Marks of the candidates in paper-II of Karnataka Kerala Region for MUlti Tasking Staff (Non-Technical) Exam, 2013" |
"Click here to see the list of the candidates rejected/awarded zero marks for MUlti Tasking Staff (Non-Technical) Exam, 2013" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of the selected candidates for Kerala for the MTS Exam, 2013" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of the selected candidates for Karnataka for the MTS Exam, 2013" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of the selected candidates of Karnataka Kerala Region of the Steno Grade 'C' & 'D' Exam, 2012." |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of the selected candidates of Karnataka Kerala Region of the Steno Grade 'C' & 'D' Exam, 2013." |
"Click here to see the Nomination Status of the candidates for the Combined HIgher Secondary Level Examination, 2013" |
"Click here to see the Nomination Status of the candidates for the RECRUITMENT TO THE POST OF PROGRAMME EXECUTIVE/TRANSMISSION EXECUTIVE EXAMINATION 2013" |
"Click here to see the Nomination Status of the candidates for the Recruitment to the post of Engg Asstt and Technician in Prasar Bharati Examination, 2013" |
"Click here to see the Nomination Status of the candidates for the Sub Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs and ASI in CISF Examination, 2013" |
"Click here to see the list of the candidates who have been awarded zero marks in paper-I of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories, 2014." |
"Click here to see the marks of the candidates of SSC(KKR) who have appeared in paper-I of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories, 2014." |
"Click here to see the list of the candidates of SSC(KKR) who have been declared qualified in paper-I of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories, 2014 for appearing in Paper-II, scheduled to be held on 17.08.2014" |
"Click here to see the writeup declaring the results of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories, Exam 2014" |
"Click here to see the results of shortlisted candiates of SSc(KKR) in Paper-II of the Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories, 2014 for appearing in the Document Verification." |
"Click here to see the writeup declaring the results of shortlisted candiates of SSC(KKR) in Paper-II of the Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories, 2014 for appearing in the Document Verification scheduled to be held on 29th & 30th September, 2014." |
"Click here to see the marks of the candidates of SSC(KKR) in paper-II of the Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories, 2014." |
"Click here to see the writeup declaring the final results of SSC(KKR) for the Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories, 2014." |
"Click here to see the final results of SSC(KKR)for the Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories, 2014." |
"Click here to see the allocation of departments of Karnataka candidates SSC(KKR)for the Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories, 2014." |
"Click here to see the allocation of departments of Kerala candidates SSC(KKR)for the Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories, 2014." |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of Karanataka Kerala Region candidates SSC(KKR)for the Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories, 2014." |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of SSC(KKR) for the JHT (CSOLS) Exam, 2013" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of SSC(KKR) for the Steno Grade ('C' & 'D') Exam 2014" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of SSC(KKR) for the Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam, 2012." |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of SSC(KKR) for the Interview posts of Combined Graduate Level Exam, 2013" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of SSC(KKR) for the Non Interview posts of Combined Graduate Level Exam, 2013" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of SSC(KKR) for the SIs in CPOs Exam, 2014" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of the candidates Selected from JUNIOR ENGINEER (CIVIL, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL) EXAM, 2014" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of the candidates Selected from SSC(KKR) for Combined Graduate Level Exam, 2014" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of the Female candidates Selected from Kerala for the Recruitment of Constable (GD) Exam 2013" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of the Male candidates Selected from Kerala for the Recruitment of Constable (GD) Exam 2013" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of the Male candidates Selected from Karnataka for the Recruitment of Constable (GD) Exam 2013" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of the Female candidates Selected from Karnataka for the Recruitment of Constable (GD) Exam 2013" |
"Click here to see the list of the candidates nominated for the post of Constables in CPAFS and Riffleman in Assam Rifles Exam, 2012" |
"Click here to see the Marks of candidates in paper-I of Karnataka Kerala Region for Special Recruitment Drive for persons with disabilities to the post of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in different States and Union Territories Exam, 2015" |
"Click here to see the list of rejected/awarded zero marks for Special Recruitment Drive for persons with disabilities to the post of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in different States and Union Territories Exam, 2015" |
"Click here to see the writeup declaring the results of Special Recruitment Drive for persons with disabilities to the post of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in different States and Union Territories Exam, 2015" |
"Click here to see the list of candidates of SSC(KKR) who have been declared qualified in Paper I of Special Recruitment Drive for persons with disabilities to the post of MTS Exam, 2015 for evaluation of Paper-II" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of the Recruitment to the post of Sub Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFS and ASI in CISF Exam, 2015" |
"Click here to see the writeup declaring the results of Special Recruitment Drive for persons with disabilities to the post of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in different States and Union Territories Exam, 2015. Candidates qualified in Paper-II for document verification" |
"Click here to see the list of candidates of SSC(KKR) who have been declared qualified in Paper II of Special Recruitment Drive for persons with disabilities to the post of MTS Exam, 2015 for document verification" |
"Click here to see the Marks of candidates in paper-II of Karnataka Kerala Region for Special Recruitment Drive for persons with disabilities to the post of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in different States and Union Territories Exam, 2015" |
."Results of the Selection posts as on 15.12.2015" |
"Click here to see the Marks of Candidates for Special Recruitment Drive for persons with disabilities (PwD) to the post of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff (MTS) Examination, 2015" |
"Click here to see the Final Result of Special Recruitment Drive for persons with disabilities (PwD) to the post of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff (MTS) Examination, 2015" |
"Click here to see the Final Result Write up of Special Recruitment Drive for persons with disabilities (PwD) to the post of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff (MTS) Examination, 2015" |
"Click here to see the nomination status to Combined Graduate Level Exam, 2015" |
"Click here to see the nomination status to Combined Graduate Level Exam, 2015" |
"Click here to see the Marks of candidates for OMR based Examination for various Selection Posts held on 23rd July, 2016" |
"Click here to see the Selection Post Results - Scientifice Assistant (Electrical), Scientific Assitant (Comp. Science), Technical Superindent(Processing), Assistant (Legal)" |
"Click here to see the Allocation of User Department for the candidates finally selected for the post of MTS from MTS Exam, 2015 (Spl Rect for PWD)" |
"Click here to see the nomination status of Stenographers Gr 'C' & 'D' Exam, 2015" |
"Click here to see the nomination status of Junior Hindi Translators Exam, 2016" |
"Click here to see the Final Result of various Selection Posts from 01.04.2016" |
"Click here to see an Final results of Technical Clerk (Economics) in Dte of Economics & Statistics advertised Advt No. KKR-1/2016 of Cat No. KK11016" |
"Click here to see an Marks of candidates from Bangalore centre for Selection Post Exam (Higher Secondary Level)" |
"Click here to see the nomination status of Junior Hindi Translators Exam, 2016" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Quantity Surveying & Contract) Exam, 2015" |
"Click here to see the FINAL RESULTS OF ASSISTANT (LEGAL) CAT NO. KK-10116 OF ADVT. NO. KKR-01/2016" |
"Click here to see the FINAL RESULTS OF Section Officer (Horticulture) CAT NO. KK-10416 OF ADVT. NO. KKR-01/2016" |
"Click here to see the Marks of candidates for ASSISTANT (LEGAL) CAT NO. KK-10116 OF ADVT. NO. KKR-01/2016" |
"Click here to see the Marks of candidates for Section Officer (Horticulture) CAT NO. KK-10416 OF ADVT. NO. KKR-01/2016" |
"Click here to see the FINAL RESULTS OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (ECONOMICS) Cat. No. KK-10516 OF ADVT. NO. KKR-01/2016" |
"Click here to see the FINAL RESULTS OF RESEARCH ASSISTANT (ENVIRONMENT) Cat. No. KK-10316 OF ADVT. NO. KKR-01/2016" |
"Click here to see the marks of candidates for Selection Post (Graduate) Exam held on 16.07.2017 for the post of Research Asstt (Environment), Technical Asstt (Economics), and ACIO(Cypher) advertised vide Cat No. KKR-10216, KK-10316, KK-10516 of Advt No. KKR-01/2016" |
"Annual Type writing Skill Test (March 2017) - List of candidates deemed to have made genuine attempt" |
"Annual Type writing Skill Test (March 2017) - List of qualified candidates in Type writing skill test" |
"Click here to see the FINAL RESULTS OF OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT (Cat. No. KK-10616 OF ADVT. NO. KKR-01/2016)" |
"Click here to see the marks of candidates for Selection Post (Graduate) Exam held on 16.07.2017 for the post of OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT advertised vide Cat No. KKR-10616 of Advt No. KKR-01/2016" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of Sub Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs, ASI in CISF Exam, 2016" |
"Click here to view the Final Results of MEDICAL ATTENDANT - Cat No. KK11817 of Advt No. KKR-1/2017" |
"Click here to view the Final Results of various Selection Posts advertised vide Advt No. KKR-1/2017" |
"Click here to view the Final Results of JUNIOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANT IN FOREST SURVEY OF INDIA - Cat No. KK10617 of Advt No. KKR-1/2017" |
"Click here to see the list of Additional Candidates qualified in Paper-I for Evaluation of Paper-II from Multi Tasking Staff Exam, 2015 (Spl Recruitment for PWD)" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of Sub Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs, ASI in CISF Exam, 2016" |
"Click here to see the Nomination status of Combined Higher Secondary(10+2) Level Exam, 2015" |
"Click here to see list of candidates qualified from Combined Graduate Level Exam, 2016" |
"Click here to see the nomination status of Stenographers Gr C and D Exam, 2016" |
"Click here to see the nomination status of Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and QS&C) Exam, 2016" |
"Click here to see the nomination status of Combined Recruitmnt of Junior Translators, Jr. Hindi Translators, Sr. Hindi Translators, Hindi Pradhyapak Exam, 2017" |
"Click here to see the nomination status of Combined Hr. Secondary Level (10+2) Exam, 2016" |
"Click here to see the nomination status of Sub Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs and ASI in CISF Exam, 2017" |
"Click here to view Marks in OMR Examination held for various Selection Posts advertised vide Advt No. KKR-1/2017" |
"Click here to view the Write-Up on Department Allocation of the candidates qualified for posting in KKR Region from MTS Exam, 2016" |
"Click here to view the Department Allocation chart of the candidates qualified for posting in Karnataka, Kerala and Lakshadweep Region from MTS Exam, 2016" |
"Click here to view the Department Allocation Chart for Multi Tasking Staff Exam, 2015 (Spl Rectt Drive for PWD) - Declaration of Additional Final Result" |
"Click here to view the Final Results of Various Selection Post advertised vide Advt No. KKR-2/2017" |
"Click here to view the marks of candidates for various categories of Selection Post advertised vide Advt No. KKR-2/2017" |
"Click here to view the nomination made from the Reserve Panel for various categories of post for Advt No. KKR-2/2017" |
"Click here to view the nomination made from the Reserve Panel for various categories of post for Advt No. KKR-1/2017" |
"Click here to view the Nomination of candidates for the post of Junior Technical Assistant in Forest Survey of India(SZ), Cat. No. 10617, Advt. No. KKR-01/2017 from the Reserve Panel" |
"Click here to see the nomination status of Stenographers Gr C & D Exam, 2017" |
"Click here to view the nomination made from the Reserve Panel for various categories of post for Advt No. KKR-2/2017" |
"Click here to see the nomination status of Multi Tasking Staff Exam, 2016" |
'"CLICK here to see the Reserve List Advt No. Phase-VI/2018/Selection Post, Post Code: KK-10318 (Laboratory Attendant in National Centre for Disease Control". |
'"CLICK here to see the nomination status of Combined Graduate Level Exam 2017". |
"CLICK here to see the nomination status of Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Exam 2017". |